Print high quality business brochures at unbelievable prices. These 4-page brochures are printed in full color on 100# gloss text paper, to provide a professional look. The 11″ x 17″ document is folded in half to get the final size of 8.5″ x 11″.
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- Photoshop Files: CMYK @300 dpi or better, saved as TIFF or EPS, flattened.
- Illustrator Files: Outline all fonts and Embed all images.
- Quark Xpress Files: Include all images and fonts (screen & postscript).
- Perferred format: Illustrator EPS
- All images must be 300dpi.
- Black & White images must be saved as TIFF or EPS.
- Line Art (bitmap) must be Hi-Resolution 1200 dpi @100%.
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